New Earth Foundation

Reimagining Philanthropy
& Investment

We are reimagining and reclaiming ‘philanthropy’ and ‘investment’ based on a broader and more rich understanding of giving, wealth and abundance.

True wealth includes multiple aspects that go beyond financial wealth - to include multiple forms of capital ranging from intellectual capital, experiential capital, spiritual capital, social capital and more.

Our aspiration is to allow everyone to participate in the ‘giving, sharing and receiving economy,’ regardless of their socio-economic status. Our network enables and engages in the sharing and investment of energy, opportunities, resources and support to build and grow systems of the New Earth

Our Story & Vision

Towards New Earth: Building a more beautiful and harmonious world that we know in our heart
Witnessing the degradation of society, culture, health and wellbeing of all living beings and our beautiful planet, we feel compelled to develop and support solutions to the complex problems that we are facing - on an emotional, psychological, physical, metaphysical and spiritual level.

We aim to imagine, envision and build a New Earth, based on principles of kindness, compassion, harmony, regeneration, oneness and love. Through the elevation of collective consciousness, this common aspiration stimulates the creation of new communal systems and initiatives, drawing on ancient wisdom, radical thinking, honest intentions and powerful tools and technologies.
Our efforts and partnerships are based in a core value system of honesty, integrity, freedom, compassion, respect, care and love. We believe that the path to our greatest collective potential and liberation lies in interdependence and unity, which is why we place a strong emphasis on co-creation and collaboration at New Earth Foundation.

Our mission is to cultivate curiosity and spread awareness; offer education and opportunities; connect people and communities; and to facilitate the healing of all living beings for our shared growth and development.

Our Area of Focus

Integrated Health &
Holistic Healing
Holistic & Vocational
Regenerative Agriculture & Natural Food Systems
Clean, Free &
Alternative Energy
Environmental Protection & Animal Conservation
Ancient Wisdom
& Spirituality
Decentralised Technology & Finance
Art & Culture
Natural & Sustainable
Community Living

Structure & Process

We nurture and support various individuals, projects, entities and organisations who are working towards common goals and are united by shared values and purpose. We experiment with new ways of working, built upon a foundation of trust and integrity.

The outcomes that are achieved are a testament to the quality of relationships forged over time, by dedicated and compassionate human beings aspiring towards a more collaborative and regenerative future for all.

Legend of Jñānganj

According to myth, located somewhere within the mystical valleys of Himalayas, is 'Jñānganj' - 'the land of immortals' or 'land of the undying.'
In 2021, the vision of Jñānganj, the mythological land also known as Shangri-la or Shambala, appeared to me in a dream, taking the form of a series of images and ideas. This dream, once shared with my network and community, resonated deeply with many, leading to the formation of new alliances, partnerships, projects and relationships.
This legendary mystical city is referred to as 'Siddhashrama' or 'Gyanganj' in ancient Hindu texts, a city-kingdom inhabited by mysterious immortal beings that influence the existence of human beings in subtle ways, whenever needed. Only great saints devoid of any bad karma can find a place in this spiritual land, by passing through psychic barriers and dimensions. It is believed that Jñānganj is not just a physical place but a higher dimension, invisible to the naked human eye and undetectable by modern technologies.
In Tibet, this celestial kingdom is known as 'Shangri-La' or 'Shambala', a word derived from Sanskrit, which means "the source of happiness". Buddhists also believe that Gyanganj defies the rules of death; that no one dies in this immortal land, and consciousness always remains alive. Those residing here are believed to be responsible for guiding the fate of the world; they protect and nurture the spiritual teachings of all faiths and beliefs. Imparting their wisdom to others, they delicately work to influence the destiny of mankind for good.

The legends and myths of Jñānganj span across centuries, regions and religions. It is directly mentioned in ancient Vedic and Buddhist texts.

Community Supporters

Khrisha Ambani Mumbai
Drona Chetri Dehradun
Anugraha Bhatt Dehradun
Dr Leroy Rebello Hyderabad
Dr Mili Shah Mumbai
Anmol Ambani Mumbai
Anshul Ambani Karjat
Pratik Borlikar Karjat
Aman Shah Karjat
Malav Dalal Karjat
Nidhish Tulsiani Mumbai
Niharika Sanyal Auroville
Namman Bhasin Mumbai
Ajay Makhija Auroville
Karl Wadia Mumbai

References & Credits

The material referenced above about the legend of Gyanganj has been gathered and compiled from various sources including a few listed below.

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