Show me the way

February 23, 2023

imagined realities

Show me the way

February 23, 2023

At ease, comrades!
Remember to stop, to look within,
to count your blessings
And remember your Godliness
Amidst the battlefield and gunfire
Stay grounded, stay rooted
Be still

Root yourself in love, not fear
Form a United Front
For separation and division,
are the enemy’s openings
We must fight in truth and justice,
Not in vengeance,
For it is revenge that bleeds a man dry
Justice is but a precursor to love

See yourself in your opponent
Witness the darkness that burns in him
Use your light to extinguish that fire
For the black flame will burn us all to the ground
And it is the white light that can set us ablaze
It is the light of compassion, of unity,
of togetherness,
of oneness and of love
That is the fire we must start,
We must spark

Let Justice be served
It is Divine Law & Order that must prevail
The agents of the Divine
will mete out order in chaos
And the warriors of Love,
the Rainbow Warriors,
whose hearts burst with understanding, with forgiveness,
Will work to spread the light

Hold the lantern with me, won’t you?

We mustn’t sow seeds of discord and disharmony,
Nor distrust or disservice,
Amongst earthly beings
We came here to see ourselves in every being
To witness light and dark
To rise above it all
And lead the way
The only way - to New Earth

Dedicated to all the Rainbow Warriors out there.

Other in Poetry

Burn & Rise

January 28, 2024

As I collect the fractured fragments of my soul
And piece them together into a coherent whole
I am showered with blessings and abundance from above,
I thank you deeply, for filling me with love

I Am Free

January 28, 2024

Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

They colonised nations, they colonised peace
They colonised land, they colonised deep seas
They colonised people, they colonised the trees
They colonised information, they colonised free speech


January 10, 2024

The time has come.
We heard the bells ring -
The sounding of the alarm,
The changing of the guard
Our people are gathering near and far.

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